MBA Graduates Career Paths
- Financial Management
- Research and Development
- Marketing
- Education
- Fossil Fuels Industry
A green MBA is part of a program based on principles of environmental or social sustainability, or on the management thereof. With thousands of new jobs being created in solar and wind power across the United States, this represents a rapidly growing umbrella, encompassing several popular fields. More and more people are becoming interested in sustainable practices; unfortunately, many people remain unaware of the true breadth of career possibilities inherent in a green education, which can deter them from investigating it as a serious professional option.
Here are five career paths for green MBA graduates, which you probably didn't know about:
Financial Management
Few people draw a direct line between financial management and sustainability, but every enterprise needs somebody to handle its cash flow. From the burgeoning wind and solar power industries, to electric cars, to the creation of better and more environmentally friendly batteries, green technology is making itself known in all of the major technology industries. A sustainability MBA will put you on the path to an executive position, allowing you to advance your career as a driving force behind exciting new green trends.
Research and Development
No industry exists, but that it is built on the constant process of developing and advancing new ideas. Green industries require this innovative spirit just like any other. Research and development entails the creation of new product lines, as well as the refinement of existing technologies. If you're a creative mind, and you'd like to make a difference in the world, while getting paid to do what you enjoy doing anyway, this is one career path that is worth keeping in mind. Current examples of industries where leaders are seeking candidates with a green MBA include the digital technologies sector, the automotive industry, the recycling industry, and the energy industry.
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Despite the old saying, nothing sells itself. There is still a lot that many people don't know about green technology, like the sheer number of sustainability jobs being created across many industries. As a marketer, you will have the chance to introduce people to the idea of just how sustainable "sustainability" is. Green technology is a new concept, but if you're able to create inspiriting material which helps make it click in peoples' minds, you can make a real difference in how much support green businesses receive from the general public. Marketing gave us "think globally, act locally" and "buy organic," but there's still room to be filled with green industry -- and the chance to make a huge impact overall. With a Master's of Business Administration in a sustainable field, you can climb the corporate ladder, or build a portfolio and become an independent contractor.
Many of the people employed in green technology are young. It's one of the most popular overall career opportunities for the current, college-bound generation. With young people expressing record interest levels in environmentally friendly living, the education system needs to keep up. Primary, secondary, and post-secondary educational fields all have room for someone with a green MBA to begin introducing the concepts of sustainability to a wider range of students. This will ensure that future generations recognize the breadth of sustainability's applications. In academia, viable career paths include those of higher education, curriculum development, and public school policy enforcement, as well as university deans and department heads.
Fossil Fuels Industry
Many people find this completely counter-intuitive, but we have a society that is built on the fossil fuel industry. Many of the companies that were themselves based on fossil fuels are independently investigating green technology as a replacement, but our society can't simply flip a switch and make the change overnight. There are technical, social, and financial hurdles to be overcome, and the industry presents a lot of opportunities for forward-thinking individuals to help smooth over the period of transition.
Would You Like to Know More?
Of the many disciplines presently engaged in sustainability practices, the one with the most opportunities available to make a difference is arguably that of the environmental sciences. Green MBA graduates with majors based on any of the environmental sciences have a wide range of opportunities available to them, in the government, corporate, and academic sectors. These job paths range from entry-level work to the administrative, and on to the executive.
Related Resource:
The 23 Best Online MBA Programs in Sustainability
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